Monitoring adherence from data sources

The process of monitoring adherence Measure used in Workforce Management (WFM) to determine how well an employee’s scheduled activities match their actual, real-time activities. starts when an employee logs into the system and a data source Third-party systems that provide data to the system, including employee and device states, and data change events. Typical data sources are phone switches, PBXs, or LANs. captures their state or activity Core component of both schedules and time records in Workforce Management (WFM). When an employee performs any kind of work, activities specify the scheduled work and capture employee adherence to their schedule.. This state is then translated into a reason code, which represents the actual activity as it is represented in the WFM application.

Monitoring adherence from data sources

One main way to monitor adherence is from data sources connected to an Automated Call Distributor (or ACD):

  1. Employees log on to the system from their phone and indicate their actual state or activity that they are doing.

  2. An Automated Call Distributor (or ACD) captures the state.

  3. The data source on the ACD translates the state into a reason code, which represents the actual activity the employees is performing.

  4. The data source sends the reason code to the Time Collector component in WFM.

  5. The Time Collector links the reason code with a WFM activity, based on defined Time Collector Mappings defined in the system.

  6. This mapping is used by the Adherence module to check if employees are in adherence. Alternatively, it checks if the actual activities they are performing matches their scheduled activities.

    To enable this adherence monitoring, define the Time Collector Mappings in the Work Administration module in WFM.

Example: Monitoring adherence from data sources

  1. Employee #9345 logs in by phone and changes their state to one indicating they are working on the phone.

  2. The corresponding data source on the ACD translates this activity into the OnP reason code, and sends this code to the Workforce Management application.

  3. The Time Collector Mapping links the OnP reason code sent from the data source to the WFM activity, Phone.

  4. The Adherence mapping checks to see if the Phone activity is mapped to the scheduled activity, Answer Calls.

  5. After performing the Phone activity for the scheduled amount of time, employee #9345 logs in and changes their phone state to the After Call Work activity.

  6. The corresponding data source translates this activity into the ACW reason code, and sends this code to the Workforce Management application.

  7. The Time Collector Mapping links the ACW reason code sent from the data source to the WFM activity, After Call Work.

  8. The Adherence mapping checks to see if the After Call Work activity is mapped to the scheduled activity, Answer Calls.

    If Phone and After Call Work are mapped as alternate activities for Answer Calls (in Work Administration, Activities, Adherence Mapping), the employee is considered to be in adherence on the Calendar when performing any of these activities (Phone, After Call Work, and Answer Calls). If these activities are not mapped to Answer Calls, the employee is considered to be out of adherence on the Calendar when After Call Work or Phone are their actual activities, and Answer Calls is their published, scheduled activity.

To monitor employee adherence for non-phone employees, employees need to log their activities using the My Time module in My Home. This method is a different way of monitoring adherence, and is not defined by the Time Collector Mapping module.

View Time Collector Mappings

Workflow: Upload Time Collector Mappings

Edit the mapping of a reason code to an activity

Remove the mapping of a reason code to an activity

My Time module (Workforce Management Employee Guide)