View Time Collector Mappings

You can view Time Collector Mappings for each activity Core component of both schedules and time records in Workforce Management (WFM). When an employee performs any kind of work, activities specify the scheduled work and capture employee adherence to their schedule. of an organization. Time Collector Mappings link reason codes Representation of an external data source event in WFM, which consists of an Event Mode and Event Reason. sent from data sources to Workforce Management activities.


  1. Go to: Work Administration. Under Activities, select Time Collector Mapping.

  2. From the left pane, select the organization for which you want to view Time Collector Mappings.

  3. On the Time Collector Mappings screen, view the following:

  4. To view additional information about a data source, highlight the data source and select Data SourceData source.

    The Data Source Selector screen displays a Description, Time Zone and Type of the data source.

    If you are using data sources scoped by organization, the Data Source Selector is limited to data sources associated with the selected organization and its ancestors, and data sources of types not configured with a data source.

  5. To view additional information about a reason code, highlight the data source with the reason code and select View Reason Codes.

    The system goes to Integration Management, Data Sources, and Reason Codes to display detailed information about the reason code.

Mapping of activities to reason codes and data sources

Workflow: Upload Time Collector Mappings

Edit the mapping of a reason code to an activity

Remove the mapping of a reason code to an activity

Data sources and reason codes (Workforce Optimization System Administration Guide)